6 Weight Loss Hacks Every Girl Should Know That Actually Work

You probably read a lot of weight loss hacks online suggesting easy ways to get in shape in a short span of time.

I am going to show you some weight loss hacks that actually work, and I feel every girl should know.

Well, “every girl should know” if she is actually trying to lose weight and get into better shape.

So, these are some things that I picked up along the way, my personal experiences that I learned when I was trying actually to lose weight and get better shape myself.

weight loss hacks

The following weight loss hacks are healthy, not super extreme, and they’re simple.

So, if you are trying to slim down and get into better shape, then these hacks can be helpful to you.

These tips really helped me so I thought that I would share some of these hacks to you here in Billboard Health.

Have a Specific Goal in Mind

Most people failed to lose weight because they don’t have a specific weight loss goal. They don’t even have any plans to achieve weight loss.

If you are serious about dealing with your weight issues, take a minute to sit down and think about what your goal is, you can actually help yourself to achieve your overall weight loss goal.

First off, be realistic! Having a specific goal like 2 pounds in two weeks or 5 pounds in a month can actually make you more likely to lose weight.

Clean Out Your Fridge

Most people can’t control their cravings knowing that they have lots of foods in their fridge.

Cleaning up your refrigerator can help you to have better control on your midnight cravings.

Alternatively, store healthy foods instead of calorie and fat-filled foods.

This way, you effectively support your slimming program by making diet-friendly snacks.

Never Snack After Meals

weight loss hacks

If you are on a habit of snacking straight off after a meal or grabbing the sweet treats after meals even though you are not hungry anymore, you are just adding in that hard to burn extra calories that you just don’t need.

To break this habit, you are better off making a cup of green tea or any herbal tea and sip on that. Green tea supports metabolic increase and may also give you that feeling of fullness.

Have a Strict Workout Schedule

Make your workout less complicated and not too extreme, and schedule it according to your plan and into your week.

This way, you won’t have an excuse to say that you don’t have time to workout. Because the truth is, you just have to make time for it.

For example, if you can schedule a workout every morning of Monday and Friday, or whatever time suits you, it is guaranteed to significantly impact your weight loss program.

Remember, you must be consistent and totally disciplined to follow your workout schedule every week.

Wear a Fitness Tracker

According to fitness studies, people who wear a fitness tracker are more likely to complete their workouts and maintain a more active lifestyle.

The tracker isn’t a miracle gadget that will make you lose weight but it can help to keep you motivated, to stay active and keep you moving more.

Utilizing your fitness tracker wisely will help you burn more calories which leads to fat loss.

These gadgets also help you not to overeat to compensate or make up for the movement that you’ve done.

Just keep following your balanced, healthy diet to lose weight.

Take Advantage of Photo Apps as Your Food Diary

As a food and health blogger myself, I take full advantage of social media platforms especially photo apps.

Not every dieter knows how to count their calorie intake, and I don’t blame you for that as you are not alone.

But the good thing is, you can still keep a food diary to promote healthy and diet-friendly choices.

Use photo apps such as Instagram or Snapchat to help tell the world that your weight loss journey is serious and at the right path.


I really hoped that you find these simple hacks helpful and hopefully we can talk about more weight loss hacks in this post’s comment section below.

If you like a really simple diet hack, try my specially formulated 1-week diet program! 

Until next time!

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