“Like strangers, we are made to live behind the veil because an intruder strolled into our kingdom. How tragic!”
Top 7 Health Benefits Of Covid-19 Face Mask
The abrupt breakout of the coronavirus disease 2019 COVID-19 pandemic has got everyone with a veil over their faces—face masks. A shield against harmful microbial organisms searching around for whom to devour. The question here is; will you be prey? COVID-19 face masks were introduced as a new culture for everyone to reduce the spread of the virus; a world’s disaster. This deadly virus has taken lives and willing to take more. The ball will always be in your court to take charge of who predates on you.
The virus with the hashtag: wear the veil and stop the plague. The plague that has consumed our land, we cry out to be saved. Salvation doesn’t come without intentionality on the path of those who seek it. If you want an end to this virus, obey the COVID-19 guidelines. Always wear your veil to stop the transmission. The virus goes around with wings, break its wings by wearing a COVID-19 face mask today. Prevention, as popularly known, is better than cure.
Personal safety
The basic way of transmission of the coronavirus is when an infected person, coughs, sneezes, and talks. Wearing a COVID-19 face mask helps reduce your risk of contracting the virus. The virus can only be transmitted with our help; creating a deadly chain without preventive measures. Being an airborne disease, a surgical or cloth face mask protecting your nose and mouth is more appropriate for safety. Research has it that using a COVID-19 face mask coupled with social distancing puts you at a zero percent risk.
When you go out, there might be people around you carrying the virus, one of the symptoms of the virus is coughing. Wearing a mask protects you from contracting the virus as the droplets from a carrier is released in the air. Don’t be a victim, wear a mask today, and be safe.
There are cases where social distancing might be impossible, a face mask will be there to protect you. One of the COVID-19 guidelines is to stay under a one-meter rule to break the chain of transmission of the virus. It will also help you to avoid touching sensitive areas of your body(nose and mouth), thereby reducing your chances of exposure.
Safe publics
Being masked isn’t just for personal gain, it goes way beyond that. There are many individuals roaming the street ignorant of their status. You might have contacted the virus and ignorant of your status. Many people often roam unknowingly and sometimes with little or no symptom go around infecting other people. Don’t be a cheer giver, selfishness is allowed in this aspect. Wear a mask to end the virus with you.
Hashtag: wear a mask and break the chain. Let it end with you (source control). Without a face mask, you put others at risk of exposure. Think about others and wear a mask to keep them healthy. Also, among its preventive measures, you are asked to stay home if you are feeling sick or experiencing symptoms.
Builds confidence and reduces panic
Worry, they say, kills faster than cancer. A total lockdown had caused many to worry and brought the world to a standstill. Worry in itself increases blood pressure and a high B.P isn’t what you need at this point. To ease the lockdown, COVID-19 face masks were made compulsory when going out in public. You can now go out confidently. Your trust in your mask will keep you safe. Going about your regulars wouldn’t be a problem.
A shield against other communicable diseases
There are several other airborne diseases in the ultimate search for prey. A COVID-19 face mask keeps you safe. No hassle or hustle, just stay masked. These diseases may have similar symptoms with the virus, thereby making you paranoid. Snap out of it and protect yourself today before it becomes too late. There are some toxic chemicals that can endanger your health, a face mask is there to protect you.
Aids in weight check
For someone who is always munching on cookies or snacks, this is the gear watch to end your gluttony nature. A COVID-19 face mask would help check your weight and keep your mouth sealed from chewing on everything in sight. Checking your food intake on a regular basis but with a face mask, it’s much easier. You wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself by taking off your mask to eat in public at the expense of your health.
Free from air pollution
Research states that air pollution only worsens the spread of the virus. To stay safe, most especially in crowded areas, wear your veil. There can be a shootout of offensive products in the air, reduce your chances of falling ill with a mask.
Saves you from bad and unhealthy habits
Ever heard of someone who picks their nose till they bleed? Can be a disaster. Many people are fond of picking their noses and eating their nails. Biting your nils with your teeth leaves you endangered to the risk of bacteria leftovers settled in your fingernails. A COVID-19 face mask would help you get rid of such habits.
Stay masked, stay safe.